Mad scramble to finish work, pack and get to JFK. Taxi driver fell asleep behind the wheel - WTF Yellow Cab! He got a shot of adrenaline from me as I almost took over his cab! Connected with Nick in Amsterdam - both pumped for the trip. Hello Nairobi!
Received email from Kenyan fishing outfitter Andrew Nightingale:
"If you want to start the journey from the Loyangelani road.... the furtherst south you will get is Sirima lugga. The roads have been washed out to the south of this."
We leave in a day! Calls for picking up a local guide and finding a way. Logisticometer - amber.
Nightingale: "Wind...wise to hug shoreline...a wind from NW will whip up huge and violent waves..beware. Wind from NE will often whip up a violent sand storm for several hours - if you see the wall of sand coming get to shore and lash everything down."
Takeaway: Improvise tie downs to ensure kayak doesn't go with the wind.
Nightingale: "CHOICE OF CAMPS - anywhere you might find a wind break from the strong gale force winds. Watch the Kayak doesn't blow away! Be vigilant for cobras and scorpions in your bedding and anything you left on shore. Oh yes, gut your fish away from camp as the crocs are master scavengers and will come hundreds of meters out of the water if they smell a nice pile of offal."
Takeaways - nightmare about being a mile off shore and discovering a cobra under my seat! Will improvise cockpit covers, close anything with a lid, shake out everything else.